{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | cityServed | \"Aarhus, Denmark\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | cityServed | \"Aarhus, Denmark\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Das Aarhus ist der Flughafen von Aarhus, Dänemark.", "Der Flughafen Aarhus dient der Stadt Aarhus, Dänemark." ], "template": [ null, "AGENT-1 dient der Stadt PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [], [ "Aarhus_Airport | cityServed | \"Aarhus, Denmark\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | city | Aarhus" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | cityServed | Aarhus" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Aarhus dient der Stadt Aarhus." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 dient der Stadt PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | cityServed | Aarhus" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | elevation | \"25.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 25.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Aarhus liegt 25 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Der Flughafen Aarhus liegt auf einer Höhe von 25 Metern Seehöhe.", "Der Flughafen Aarhus liegt 25,0 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 über dem Meeresspiegel.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich auf einem Höhenflug von PATIENT-1 über dem Robbenniveau.", "AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 25.0" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 25.0" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 25.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | location | Tirstrup" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | location | Tirstrup" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Aarhus befindet sich in Tirstrup.", "Die Lage des Flughafens von Aarhus ist Tirstrup." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1.", "Der Standort von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | location | Tirstrup" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | location | Tirstrup" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | operator | \"Aarhus Lufthavn A/S\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | operatingOrganisation | \"Aarhus Lufthavn A/S\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Aarhus wird von Aarhus Lufthavn A / S betrieben.", "Aarhus Lufthavn A / S ist die Betriebsorganisation des Flughafens von Aarhus." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 wird von PATIENT-1 betrieben.", "PATIENT-1 ist die Betriebsorganisation von AGENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | operatingOrganisation | \"Aarhus Lufthavn A/S\"" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | operatingOrganisation | \"Aarhus Lufthavn A/S\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | operator | Aktieselskab" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Aktieselskab" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Aktieselskab ist die Betriebsorganisation für den Flughafen Aarhus.", "Aktieselskab betreibt den Flughafen Aarhus.", "Der Flughafen Aarhus wird von der Organisation Aktieselkab betrieben." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 ist die Betriebsorganisation für AGENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 betreibt AGENT-1.", "AGENT-1 wird von PATIENT-1 betrieben." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Aktieselskab" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Aktieselskab" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Aktieselskab" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayLength | \"2776.73\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayLength | 2776.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Start- und Landebahn von Aarhus liegt bei 2776,0.", "Der Flughafen Aarhus hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von 2776,0.", "Die Länge der Fahrbahn am Flughafen Aarhus beträgt 2776,0." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 Fahrbahnlänge ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von PATIENT-1.", "Die Länge der Piste bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayLength | 2776.0" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayLength | 2776.0" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayLength | 2776.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayLength | \"2777.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayLength | 2777.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge am Flughafen Aarhus beträgt 2777,0 Meter.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge am Flughafen Aarhus beträgt 2777,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 Meter.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayLength | 2777.0" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayLength | 2777.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayDesignation | \"10L/28R\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayName | \"10L/28R\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Start- und Landebahn von Aarhus Airport ist 10L / 28R.", "10L / 28R ist die Start- und Landebahn des Flughafens Aarhus.", "Der Name des Flughafens von Aarhus ist 10L / 28R." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 Startbahn Name ist PATIENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 ist der Startname von AGENT-1.", "Der Fahrbahnname von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayName | \"10L/28R\"" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayName | \"10L/28R\"" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayName | \"10L/28R\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayDesignation | \"10R/28L\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayName | \"10R/28L\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Der Fahrbahnname am Flughafen Aarhus lautet \"10R / 28L\".", "10R / 28L ist die Start- und Landebahn am Flughafen von Aarhus.", "Der Name des Flughafens von Aarhus ist 10R / 28L." ], "template": [ "Der Fahrbahnname bei AGENT-1 ist \"PATIENT-1\".", "PATIENT-1 ist der Fahrbahnname bei AGENT-1.", "Der Fahrbahnname von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayName | \"10R/28L\"" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayName | \"10R/28L\"" ], [ "Aarhus_Airport | runwayName | \"10R/28L\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | country | United_States" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | country | United_States" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Abilene, Texas ist in den USA.", "Abilene Texas ist in den USA.", "Abilene, Texas befindet sich in den USA." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ist in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | country | United_States" ], [ "Abilene,_Texas | country | United_States" ], [ "Abilene,_Texas | country | United_States" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Jones_County,_Texas" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Jones_County,_Texas" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Abilene, Texas ist Teil von Jones County, Texas.", "Abilene ist Teil von Jones County, Texas." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist Teil von PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ist Teil von PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Jones_County,_Texas" ], [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Jones_County,_Texas" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | subdivisionName | Taylor_County,_Texas" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Taylor_County,_Texas" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Abilene, Texas ist Teil von Taylor County, Texas.", "Abilene ist ein Teil von Taylor County, Texas.", "Abilene, Texas ist Teil von Taylor County, Texas." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist Teil von PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ist ein Teil von PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ist Teil von PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Taylor_County,_Texas" ], [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Taylor_County,_Texas" ], [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Taylor_County,_Texas" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Texas" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Texas" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Abilene, Texas ist Teil von Texas.", "Abilene gehört zu Texas." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist Teil von PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ist Teil von PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Texas" ], [ "Abilene,_Texas | isPartOf | Texas" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | r1LengthF | 3678" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_LengthFeet | 3678" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "Die Länge der 1. Startbahn am Regionalflughafen Abilene beträgt 3678 Meter." ], "template": [ "Die Länge der 1. Startbahn bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 Fuß." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_LengthFeet | 3678" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | r1Surface | Asphalt" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_SurfaceType | Asphalt" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Die erste Startbahn am Regionalflughafen Abilene wird aus Asphalt hergestellt.", "Die 1. Startbahn am Regionalflughafen Abilene besteht aus Asphalt." ], "template": [ "Die erste Startbahn bei AGENT-1 wird aus PATIENT-1 hergestellt.", "Die erste Startbahn bei AGENT-1 besteht aus PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_SurfaceType | Asphalt" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_SurfaceType | Asphalt" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | r3LengthF | 7202" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | 3rd_runway_LengthFeet | 7202" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die dritte Startbahn am Regionalflughafen Abilene ist 7.202 Meter lang.", "Die 3. Startbahn am Regionalflughafen Abilene beträgt 7202 Meter.", "Die 3. Start- und Landebahn des Flughafens Abilene ist 7202." ], "template": [ "Die dritte Startbahn bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 lang.", "Die 3. Startbahn bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 Fuß.", "AGENT-1 3. Fahrbahnlänge ist ft ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | 3rd_runway_LengthFeet | 7202" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | 3rd_runway_LengthFeet | 7202" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | 3rd_runway_LengthFeet | 7202" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | icaoLocationIdentifier | \"KABI\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | ICAO_Location_Identifier | \"KABI\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Abilene Regional Airport ICAO Location Identifier ist Kabi.", "Kabi ist die ICAO-Standortbestimmung für den Regionalflughafen Abilene.", "The ICAO Location Identifier of Abilene Regional Airport is Kabi." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ICAO Location Identifier ist PATIENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 ist die ICAO-Standortbestimmung von AGENT-1.", "Der ICAO Location Identifier von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | ICAO_Location_Identifier | \"KABI\"" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | ICAO_Location_Identifier | \"KABI\"" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | ICAO_Location_Identifier | \"KABI\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | elevationM | 546" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 546" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Abilene Regional Airport Höhenflug über dem Meeresspiegel in Meter ist 546.", "Der Regionalflughafen Abilene liegt 546 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Der Regionalflughafen Abilene befindet sich 546 m über dem Meeresspiegel." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 Höhenflug über dem Meeresspiegel in Metern ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich PATIENT-1 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 546" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 546" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 546" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | faa | \"ABI\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"ABI\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Standortbestimmung für den Regionalflughafen Abilene ist ABI.", "Der Standort des Abilene Regional Airport ist \"ABI\".", "The location Identifier of Abilene Regional Airport is ABI." ], "template": [ "Die Standortkennung für AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 Location ID ist \"PATIENT-1\".", "Der Standort Identifier von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"ABI\"" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"ABI\"" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"ABI\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | \"1121.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 1121.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge des Regionalflughafens Abilene beträgt 1.121.", "Der Regionalflughafen Abilene hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von 1121,0.", "Die Start- und Landebahn des Flughafens Abilene ist 1121.0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 1121.0" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 1121.0" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 1121.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | \"2194.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 2194.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge des Regionalflughafens Abilene beträgt 2194,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 2194.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | \"2195.17\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 2195.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge des Regionalflughafens Abilene beträgt 2,195.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge des Regionalflughafens Abilene beträgt 2195,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 2195.0" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 2195.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayDesignation | \"17L/35R\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayName | \"17L/35R\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Abilene Regional Airport Landebahn Name ist 17L / 35R.", "17L / 35R ist die Start- und Landebahn des Flughafens Abilene.", "Der Regionalflughafen Abilene hat die Start- und Landebahn 17L / 35R." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 Startbahn Name ist PATIENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 ist der Startname von AGENT-1.", "AGENT-1 hat den Start- und Landebahn-Namen PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayName | \"17L/35R\"" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayName | \"17L/35R\"" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayName | \"17L/35R\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayDesignation | \"17R/35L\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayName | \"17R/35L\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "17R / 35l ist der Fahrbahnname am Regionalflughafen Abilene.", "Der Name der Landebahn am Regionalflughafen Abilene ist 17R / 35l.", "Der Fahrbahnname des Regionalflughafens Abilene ist 17R / 35l." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 ist der Fahrbahnname bei AGENT-1.", "Der Name der Piste bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Der Fahrbahnname von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayName | \"17R/35L\"" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayName | \"17R/35L\"" ], [ "Abilene_Regional_Airport | runwayName | \"17R/35L\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | r1LengthF | 6573" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_LengthFeet | 6573" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Länge der ersten Startbahn am Regionalflughafen Adirondack beträgt 6.573 Meter.", "6573 Meter beträgt die Länge der ersten Startbahn am Regionalflughafen Adirondack.", "Die 1. Fahrbahnlänge in Füssen des Regionalflughafens Adirondack ist 6573." ], "template": [ "Die Länge der ersten Startbahn bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 Fuß ist die Länge der ersten Startbahn bei AGENT-1.", "Die erste Fahrbahnlänge in den Füßen von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_LengthFeet | 6573" ], [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_LengthFeet | 6573" ], [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_LengthFeet | 6573" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | cityServed | Lake_Placid,_New_York" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | cityServed | Lake_Placid,_New_York" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Lake Placid, N.Y. wird vom Regionalflughafen Adirondack bedient.", "Der Regionalflughafen Adirondack bedient die Stadt Lake Placid, New York." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 wird von AGENT-1 bedient.", "AGENT-1 dient der Stadt PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | cityServed | Lake_Placid,_New_York" ], [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | cityServed | Lake_Placid,_New_York" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | cityServed | Saranac_Lake,_New_York" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | cityServed | Saranac_Lake,_New_York" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "Der Regionalflughafen Adirondack bedient die Stadt Saranac Lake, New York." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 dient der Stadt PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | cityServed | Saranac_Lake,_New_York" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | faa | \"SLK\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"SLK\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Adirondack Regional Airport location idenitifier is SLK.", "SLK ist die I.D. Vom Regionalflughafen Adirondack.", "The Adirondack Regional Airport location Identifier is SLK." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 Standort idenitifier ist PATIENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 ist die I.D. Von AGENT-1.", "Die Kennung von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"SLK\"" ], [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"SLK\"" ], [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"SLK\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | \"1218.59\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 1219.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge des Regionalflughafens Adirondack beträgt 1.219.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge am Regionalflughafen Adirondack beträgt 1219,0.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge des Regionalflughafens Adirondack beträgt 1219,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 1219.0" ], [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 1219.0" ], [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 1219.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | \"2003.45\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 2003.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Adirondack Regional Airport ist 2003.0.", "Die Länge der Fahrbahn am Regionalflughafen Adirondack beträgt 2003,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Länge der Piste bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 2003.0" ], [ "Adirondack_Regional_Airport | runwayLength | 2003.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | elevation | \"609.6\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 610.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas hat eine Höhenlage von 610,0 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas liegt 610 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 hat einen Höhenflug von PATIENT-1 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "AGENT-1 ist erhöhte PATIENT-1 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 610.0" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 610.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas befindet sich in Alcobendas.", "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas befindet sich in Alcobendas.", "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas befindet sich in Alcobendas." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 wird in PATIENT-1 gefunden.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Madrid" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Madrid" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas befindet sich in Madrid.", "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas befindet sich in Madrid.", "Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Aiport befindet sich in Madrid." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 wird in PATIENT-1 gefunden.", "AGENT-1 ist in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Madrid" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Madrid" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Madrid" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Paracuellos_de_Jarama" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Paracuellos_de_Jarama" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas befindet sich in Paracuellos de Jarama.", "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barejas befindet sich in Paracuellos de Jarama.", "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas befindet sich in Paracuellos de Jarama." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 kann in PATIENT-1 gefunden werden.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich bei PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ist in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Paracuellos_de_Jarama" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Paracuellos_de_Jarama" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Paracuellos_de_Jarama" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | operator | ENAIRE" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | operatingOrganisation | ENAIRE" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas wird von ENAIRE betrieben.", "ENAIRE ist die Betriebsorganisation für den Flughafen Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas.", "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas wird von ENAIRE betrieben." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 wird von PATIENT-1 betrieben.", "PATIENT-1 ist die Betriebsorganisation für AGENT-1.", "AGENT-1 wird von PATIENT-1 betrieben." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | operatingOrganisation | ENAIRE" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | operatingOrganisation | ENAIRE" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | operatingOrganisation | ENAIRE" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | \"3499.71\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 3500.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Start- und Landebahn des Flughafens Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas beträgt 3.500.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge am Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Flughafen ist 3500.0.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge des Flughafens Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas beträgt 3500." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 Fahrbahnlänge ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 3500.0" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 3500.0" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 3500.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | \"4100.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 4100.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Start- und Landebahn des Flughafens Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas ist 4.100.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge des Flughafens Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas beträgt 4100,0.", "Die Länge der Fahrbahn am Adolfo Suarez Madrid Barajas Flughafen beträgt 4100,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Länge der Piste bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 4100.0" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 4100.0" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 4100.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | \"4349.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 4349.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Flughafen ist 4.349.", "Der Flughafen Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas hat eine Landebahn, die 4349 Meter lang ist.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport beträgt 4349,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 -- Der Flughafen Barajas hat eine Landebahn, die PATIENT-1 lang ist.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 4349.0" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 4349.0" ], [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayLength | 4349.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayDesignation | \"18R/36L\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayName | \"18R/36L\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "18R / 36L ist die Start- und Landebahn des Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Flughafens." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 ist der Startname von AGENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | runwayName | \"18R/36L\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevationF | 2988" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_feet) | 2988" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Afonso Pena International Airport ist erhöht 2988 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Afonso Pena International Airport hat einen Höhenflug über dem Meeresspiegel (in Füssen) von 2988." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist erhöhte PATIENT-1 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "AGENT-1 hat einen Höhenflug über dem Meeresspiegel (in Füssen) von PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_feet) | 2988" ], [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_feet) | 2988" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevation | \"910.742\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 911.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Afonso Pena International Flughafen befindet sich 911 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Afonso Pena International Airport hat die Höhenlage von 911 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Afonso Pena International Airport ist 911,0 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 befindet sich PATIENT-1 über dem Meeresspiegel.", "AGENT-1 hat den Höhenflug von PATIENT-1 über dem Meeresspiegel.", "AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 911.0" ], [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 911.0" ], [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 911.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Lage von Afonso Pena International Flughafen ist Sao Jose dos Pinhais.", "Afonso Pena International Airport befindet sich in São José dos Pinhais.", "Afonso Pena International Airport befindet sich in Sao Jose dos Pinhais." ], "template": [ "Der Standort von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais" ], [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais" ], [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | \"1799.84\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 1800.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge am Afonso Pena International Flughafen ist 1800.0.", "Die Piste am Afonso Pena International Airport ist 1800 Meter lang.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Afonso Pena International Airport ist 1800.0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Piste bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 lang.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 1800.0" ], [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 1800.0" ], [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 1800.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | \"2214.98\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 2215.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Afonso Pena International Airport Landebahn Länge ist 2215,0.", "Afonso Pena International Airport hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von 2215,0.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Afonso Pena International Airport beträgt 2215,0." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 Fahrbahnlänge ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 2215.0" ], [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 2215.0" ], [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 2215.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayDesignation | \"11/29\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | \"11/29\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "Afonso Pena International Airport hat die Startbahn Name 11 / 29." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 hat den Start- und Landebahn-Namen PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | \"11/29\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayDesignation | \"15/33\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | \"15/33\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Der Fahrbahnname von Afonso Pena International Airport ist 15 / 33.", "15 / 33 ist der Fahrbahnname am Afonso Pena International Airport.", "Der Fahrbahnname des Afonso Pena International Airport lautet \"15 / 33\"." ], "template": [ "Der Fahrbahnname von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 ist der Fahrbahnname bei AGENT-1.", "Der Name von AGENT-1 ist \"PATIENT-1\"." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | \"15/33\"" ], [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | \"15/33\"" ], [ "Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | \"15/33\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | iataLocationIdentifier | \"AGR\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | IATA_Location_Identifier | \"AGR\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Agra Airport IATA Location Identifier ist AGR.", "AGR ist die IATA I.D. Vom Flughafen Agra.", "AGR ist der ATA Location Identifier für Agra Airport." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 IATA Location Identifier ist PATIENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 ist die IATA I.D. Von AGENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 ist der ATA Location Identifier für AGENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Agra_Airport | IATA_Location_Identifier | \"AGR\"" ], [ "Agra_Airport | IATA_Location_Identifier | \"AGR\"" ], [ "Agra_Airport | IATA_Location_Identifier | \"AGR\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | icaoLocationIdentifier | \"VIAG\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | ICAO_Location_Identifier | \"VIAG\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Standortkennung für Agra Airport ist VIAG.", "Der ICAO-Standort von Agra Airport ist \"VIAG\".", "Der ICAO Location Identifier von Agra Airport ist VIAG." ], "template": [ "Die Standortkennung für AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ICAO Location Identifier ist \"PATIENT-1\".", "Der ICAO Location Identifier von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Agra_Airport | ICAO_Location_Identifier | \"VIAG\"" ], [ "Agra_Airport | ICAO_Location_Identifier | \"VIAG\"" ], [ "Agra_Airport | ICAO_Location_Identifier | \"VIAG\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | elevation | \"167.945\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 167.94" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Agra ist 167,94 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Der Höhenflug über dem Meeresspiegel (in Meter) von Agra Flughafen ist 167.94." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist erhöhte PATIENT-1 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Der Höhenflug über dem Meeresspiegel (in Meter) von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Agra_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 167.94" ], [ "Agra_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 167.94" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | location | India" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | location | India" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Agra Airport ist in Indien.", "Der Flughafen Agra befindet sich in Indien." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Agra_Airport | location | India" ], [ "Agra_Airport | location | India" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Agra befindet sich in Uttar Pradesh.", "Der Flughafen Agra befindet sich in Uttar Pradesh." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh" ], [ "Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | nativenameA | \"Kheria Air Force Station\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | nativeName | \"Kheria Air Force Station\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Kheria Air Force Station ist der gebürtige Name von Agra Airport.", "Der Name von Agra Airport ist Kheria Air Force Station." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 ist der Name von AGENT-1.", "Der native Name von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Agra_Airport | nativeName | \"Kheria Air Force Station\"" ], [ "Agra_Airport | nativeName | \"Kheria Air Force Station\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | operator | Airports_Authority_of_India" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Airports_Authority_of_India" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Die Airports Authority of India ist die Betriebsorganisation von Agra Airport.", "Agra Airport wird von der Airports Authority of India betrieben." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 ist die Betriebsorganisation von AGENT-1.", "AGENT-1 wird von PATIENT-1 betrieben." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Airports_Authority_of_India" ], [ "Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Airports_Authority_of_India" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | operator | Indian_Air_Force" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Indian_Air_Force" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Betriebsorganisation für Agra Airport ist die indische Luftwaffe.", "Die indische Luftwaffe betreibt den Agra Airport.", "Agra Airport wird von der indischen Luftwaffe betrieben." ], "template": [ "Die Betriebsorganisation für AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 betreibt AGENT-1.", "AGENT-1 wird von PATIENT-1 betrieben." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Indian_Air_Force" ], [ "Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Indian_Air_Force" ], [ "Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Indian_Air_Force" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | runwayLength | \"1818.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | runwayLength | 1818.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "1818 ist die Länge der Landebahn von Agra Airport.", "Die Länge der Start- und Landebahn am Flughafen Agra beträgt 1818,0." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 ist die Länge der Start- und Landebahn von AGENT-1.", "Die Länge der Piste bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Agra_Airport | runwayLength | 1818.0" ], [ "Agra_Airport | runwayLength | 1818.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | runwayLength | \"2743.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Agra_Airport | runwayLength | 2743.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "Die Start- und Landebahn von Agra Airport beträgt 2743.0." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 Fahrbahnlänge ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Agra_Airport | runwayLength | 2743.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | location | Habbaniyah" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | location | Habbaniyah" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Al Taqaddum Air Base befindet sich in Habbaniyah.", "Der Standort von Al-Taqaddum Air Base ist Habbaniyah." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1.", "Der Standort von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | location | Habbaniyah" ], [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | location | Habbaniyah" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | lid | \"MAT\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | locationIdentifier | \"MAT\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Die Standortkennung für Al-Taqaddum Luftwaffenbasis ist MAT.", "Die Standortkennung von Al Taqaddum Air Base ist MAT." ], "template": [ "Die Standortkennung für AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Standortbestimmung von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | locationIdentifier | \"MAT\"" ], [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | locationIdentifier | \"MAT\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | runwayLength | \"4019.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | runwayLength | 4019.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Al-Taqaddum Air Base beträgt 4.019.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge der Luftwaffenbasis Al-Taqaddum beträgt 4019,0.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Al Taqaddum Air Base beträgt 4019,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | runwayLength | 4019.0" ], [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | runwayLength | 4019.0" ], [ "Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | runwayLength | 4019.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | icaoLocationIdentifier | \"ORAA\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | ICAO_Location_Identifier | \"ORAA\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "ORAA ist die ICAO-Standortbestimmung von Al Asad Airbase.", "Der ICAO Location Identifier von Al Asad Airbase ist ORAA." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 ist die ICAO-Standortbestimmung von AGENT-1.", "Der ICAO Location Identifier von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | ICAO_Location_Identifier | \"ORAA\"" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | ICAO_Location_Identifier | \"ORAA\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | elevationF | 618" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_feet) | 618" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Al Asad Airbase liegt 618 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Die Al Asad Airbase ist 618 ft über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Al Asad Airbase hat einen Höhenflug über dem Meeresspiegel (in Füssen) von 618." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 ft über dem Meeresspiegel.", "AGENT-1 hat einen Höhenflug über dem Meeresspiegel (in Füssen) von PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_feet) | 618" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_feet) | 618" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_feet) | 618" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | location | \"Al Anbar Province, Iraq\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | location | \"Al Anbar Province, Iraq\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Al Asad Airbase befindet sich in der Provinz Al Anbar, Irak.", "Al Asad Airbase befindet sich in der Provinz Al Anbar, Irak.", "Al Asad Airbase befindet sich in der Provinz Al Anbar, Irak." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich bei PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | location | \"Al Anbar Province, Iraq\"" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | location | \"Al Anbar Province, Iraq\"" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | location | \"Al Anbar Province, Iraq\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | location | Iraq" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | location | Iraq" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Al Asad Airbase wird im Irak gefunden.", "Die Al Asad Airbase befindet sich im Irak.", "Al Asad Airbase ist im Irak." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 wird in PATIENT-1 gefunden.", "AGENT-1 ist in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ist in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | location | Iraq" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | location | Iraq" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | location | Iraq" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | operator | United_States_Air_Force" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Al Asad Airbase wird von der United States Air Force betrieben.", "Die United States Air Force ist die Betriebsorganisation für die Luftwaffenbasis Al Asad." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 wird von PATIENT-1 betrieben.", "PATIENT-1 ist die Betriebsorganisation für AGENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | \"3078.48\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3078.48" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Al Asad Airbase beträgt 3078,48.", "Al Asad Airbase hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von 3078,48." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3078.48" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3078.48" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | \"3090.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3090.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge der Al Asad Airbase beträgt 3090 Meter.", "Die Start- und Landebahn auf dem Luftwaffenstützpunkt Al Asad beträgt 3090,0.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von al Asad Airbase beträgt 3090,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 Fahrbahnlänge ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3090.0" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3090.0" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3090.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | \"3990.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3990.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Al Asad Airbase beträgt 3.990.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Al Asad Airbase beträgt 3990,0.", "Die Al Asad Airbase hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von 3990,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3990.0" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3990.0" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3990.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | \"3992.88\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3992.88" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Al Asad Airbase beträgt 3.992,88.", "3992,88 ist die Länge der Piste bei Al Asad Airbase." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 ist die Länge der Piste bei AGENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3992.88" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3992.88" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayDesignation | \"08/26\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayName | \"08/26\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "\"08 / 26\" ist der Fahrbahnname bei Al Asad Airbase.", "08 / 26 ist die Start- und Landebahn der Al Asad Airbase.", "Der Fahrbahnname von Al Asad Airbase ist 08 / 26." ], "template": [ "\"PATIENT-1\" ist der Fahrbahnname bei AGENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 ist der Startname von AGENT-1.", "Der Fahrbahnname von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayName | \"08/26\"" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayName | \"08/26\"" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayName | \"08/26\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayDesignation | \"09L/27R\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayName | \"09L/27R\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Der Fahrbahnname von Al Asad Airbase ist 09L / 27R.", "Der Fahrbahnname der AI Asad Airbase lautet \"09L / 27R\"." ], "template": [ "Der Fahrbahnname von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 Startbahn Name ist \"PATIENT-1\"." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayName | \"09L/27R\"" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayName | \"09L/27R\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayDesignation | \"09R/27L\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayName | \"09R/27L\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "09R / 27l ist der Start- und Landebahn-Name auf der Luftwaffenbasis Al Asad.", "Der Name der Piste bei al Asad Airbase ist 09R / 27l.", "Al Asad Airbase hat den Fahrbahnnamen 09R / 27l." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 ist der Fahrbahnname bei AGENT-1.", "Der Name der Piste bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 hat PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayName | \"09R/27L\"" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayName | \"09R/27L\"" ], [ "Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayName | \"09R/27L\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alcobendas | country | Spain" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alcobendas | country | Spain" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Alcobendas befindet sich in Spanien.", "Alcobendas ist in Spanien." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ist in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alcobendas | country | Spain" ], [ "Alcobendas | country | Spain" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alcobendas | isPartOf | Community_of_Madrid" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alcobendas | isPartOf | Community_of_Madrid" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Alcobendas ist Teil der Gemeinschaft von Madrid.", "Alcobendas ist Teil der Gemeinde von Madrid." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist Teil von PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ist Teil von PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alcobendas | isPartOf | Community_of_Madrid" ], [ "Alcobendas | isPartOf | Community_of_Madrid" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alcobendas | leaderParty | People's_Party_(Spain)" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alcobendas | leaderParty | People's_Party_(Spain)" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "Die Führer-Partei in Alcobendas ist die Volkspartei (Spanien)." ], "template": [ "Die Leader-Party bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alcobendas | leaderParty | Peoples_Party_(Spain)" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alderney | capital | Saint_Anne,_Alderney" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alderney | capital | Saint_Anne,_Alderney" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "Saint Anne ist die Hauptstadt von Alderney." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 ist die Hauptstadt von AGENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alderney | capital | Saint_Anne,_Alderney" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alderney | language | English_language" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alderney | language | English_language" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Hauptsprache, die auf Alderney gesprochen wird, ist Englisch.", "Die englische Sprache wird in Alderney gesprochen.", "Alderney nutzt die englische Sprache." ], "template": [ "Die Hauptsprache, die auf AGENT-1 gesprochen wird, ist PATIENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 wird in AGENT-1 gesprochen.", "AGENT-1 verwendet PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alderney | language | English_language" ], [ "Alderney | language | English_language" ], [ "Alderney | language | English_language" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alderney | leader | Elizabeth_II" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alderney | leaderName | Elizabeth_II" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Alderneys Führungsname ist Elizabeth II.", "Aldernay-Chefin ist Elizabeth II.", "Der Name von Alderney ist Elizabeth II." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1-Führungsname ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1-Führer ist PATIENT-1.", "Der Name des Führers von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alderney | leaderName | Elizabeth_II" ], [ "Alderney | leaderName | Elizabeth_II" ], [ "Alderney | leaderName | Elizabeth_II" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | r1Surface | Asphalt" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | 1st_runway_SurfaceType | Asphalt" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die erste Startbahn am Flughafen Alderney ist aus Asphalt.", "Die 1. Startbahn am Flughafen Alderney hat eine Asphaltfläche.", "Die 1. Startbahn am Alderney Airport wird aus Asphalt hergestellt." ], "template": [ "Die erste Startbahn bei AGENT-1 besteht aus PATIENT-1.", "Die erste Startbahn bei AGENT-1 hat PATIENT-1.", "Die erste Startbahn bei AGENT-1 wird aus PATIENT-1 hergestellt." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | 1st_runway_SurfaceType | Asphalt" ], [ "Alderney_Airport | 1st_runway_SurfaceType | Asphalt" ], [ "Alderney_Airport | 1st_runway_SurfaceType | Asphalt" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | r1Surface | Poaceae" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | 1st_runway_SurfaceType | Poaceae" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Die Oberfläche der 1. Startbahn am Flughafen Alderney ist poaceae.", "Die 1. Startbahn am Alderney Airport wird aus Poaceae hergestellt." ], "template": [ "Die Oberfläche der 1. Startbahn bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die erste Startbahn bei AGENT-1 wird aus PATIENT-1 hergestellt." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | 1st_runway_SurfaceType | Poaceae" ], [ "Alderney_Airport | 1st_runway_SurfaceType | Poaceae" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | elevation | \"88.392\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 88.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Alderney liegt 88 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Der Alderney Airport Höhenflug über dem Meeresspiegel (in Meter) ist 88." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1 über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Die AGENT-1 Höhenlage über dem Meeresspiegel (in Meter) ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 88.0" ], [ "Alderney_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 88.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | \"497.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 497.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Der Flughafen Alderney hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von 497,0.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge des Flughafens Alderney beträgt 497,0." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 497.0" ], [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 497.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | \"733.044\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 733.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "Die Start- und Landebahn von Alderney hat eine Länge von 733.0." ], "template": [ "Die Startbahn AGENT-1 hat eine Länge von PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 733.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | \"877.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 877.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge des Flughafens Alderney beträgt 877.", "Die Landebahn von Alderney Airport hat eine Länge von 877,0.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge des Flughafens Alderney beträgt 877,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 Landebahn hat eine Länge von PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 877.0" ], [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 877.0" ], [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 877.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayDesignation | \"03/21\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayName | \"03/21\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Alderney Airport Landebahn Name ist 03 / 21.", "Der Fahrbahnname von Alderney Airport ist 03 / 21.", "Die Fahrbahn am Flughafen Alderney wird 03 / 21 genannt." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 Startbahn Name ist PATIENT-1.", "Der Fahrbahnname von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die Piste bei AGENT-1 heißt PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayName | \"03/21\"" ], [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayName | \"03/21\"" ], [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayName | \"03/21\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayDesignation | \"08/26\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayName | \"08/26\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "08 / 26 ist der Fahrbahnname von Alderney Airport.", "Der Fahrbahnname von Alderney Airport ist 08 / 26." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 ist der Startname von AGENT-1.", "Der Fahrbahnname von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayName | \"08/26\"" ], [ "Alderney_Airport | runwayName | \"08/26\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | city | Lahore" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | cityServed | Lahore" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Allama Iqbal International Airport dient der Stadt Lahore.", "Die Stadt Lahore wird vom internationalen Flughafen Allama Iqbal bedient." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 dient der Stadt PATIENT-1.", "Die Stadt PATIENT-1 wird von AGENT-1 bedient." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | cityServed | Lahore" ], [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | cityServed | Lahore" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | location | Pakistan" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | location | Pakistan" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "Der internationale Flughafen Allama Iqbal befindet sich in Pakistan." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | location | Pakistan" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | location | Punjab,_Pakistan" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | location | Punjab,_Pakistan" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Allama Iqbal International Airport befindet sich in Punjab, Pakistan.", "Allama Iqbal International Airport befindet sich in Punjab, Pakistan.", "Der internationale Flughafen Allama Iqbal befindet sich in Punjab Pakistan." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 wird in PATIENT-1 gefunden.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | location | Punjab,_Pakistan" ], [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | location | Punjab,_Pakistan" ], [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | location | Punjab,_Pakistan" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | operator | Pakistan_Civil_Aviation_Authority" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Pakistan_Civil_Aviation_Authority" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die pakistanische Zivilluftfahrtbehörde regelt den internationalen Flughafen Allama Iqbal.", "Die pakistanische Zivilluftfahrtbehörde ist die Betriebsorganisation des internationalen Flughafens Allama Iqbal.", "Allama Iqbal International Airport wird von der pakistanischen Zivilluftfahrtbehörde betrieben." ], "template": [ "PATIENT-1 regelt AGENT-1.", "PATIENT-1 ist die Betriebsorganisation von AGENT-1.", "AGENT-1 wird von PATIENT-1 betrieben." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Pakistan_Civil_Aviation_Authority" ], [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Pakistan_Civil_Aviation_Authority" ], [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Pakistan_Civil_Aviation_Authority" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayLength | \"2899.87\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayLength | 2900.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1" ], "text": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von Allama Iqbal International Airport ist 2900.0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayLength | 2900.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayLength | \"3310.0\"^^xsd:double" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayLength | 3310.0" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Start- und Landebahn des internationalen Flughafens Allama Iqbal beträgt 3.310.", "Allama Iqbal International Airport hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von 3310,0.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge des internationalen Flughafens Allama Iqbal beträgt 3310,0." ], "template": [ "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 hat eine Fahrbahnlänge von PATIENT-1.", "Die Fahrbahnlänge von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayLength | 3310.0" ], [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayLength | 3310.0" ], [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayLength | 3310.0" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayDesignation | \"18L/36R\"" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayName | \"18L/36R\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Start- und Landebahn am Allama Iqbal International Flughafen ist 18L / 36R.", "Die Start- und Landebahn des Allama Iqbal International Airport ist \"18L / 36R\".", "Der Fahrbahnname von Allama Iqbal International Airport ist 18L / 36R." ], "template": [ "Der Fahrbahnname bei AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 Startbahn Name ist \"PATIENT-1\".", "Der Fahrbahnname von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayName | \"18L/36R\"" ], [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayName | \"18L/36R\"" ], [ "Allama_Iqbal_International_Airport | runwayName | \"18L/36R\"" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alpena,_Michigan | country | United_States" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alpena,_Michigan | country | United_States" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Alpena Michigan ist ein Land in den Vereinigten Staaten.", "Alpena, Michigan ist in den USA.", "Alpena, Michigan befindet sich in den USA." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 ist ein Land in PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 ist in PATIENT-1", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alpena,_Michigan | country | United_States" ], [ "Alpena,_Michigan | country | United_States" ], [ "Alpena,_Michigan | country | United_States" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | r1LengthF | 9001" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_LengthFeet | 9001" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2" ], "text": [ "Die Länge der ersten Start- und Landebahn von Alpena County Regional Airport ist 9001.", "Die erste Fahrbahnlänge in Füssen des Regionalflughafens Alpena ist 9001." ], "template": [ "Die Länge der ersten Startbahn von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "Die erste Fahrbahnlänge in den Füßen von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_LengthFeet | 9001" ], [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | 1st_runway_LengthFeet | 9001" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | city | Alpena,_Michigan" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | cityServed | Alpena,_Michigan" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Alpena County Regional Airport City diente Alpena, Michigan.", "Alpena County Regional Airport dient der Stadt Alpena, Michigan.", "Alpena County Regional Airport dient Alpena, Michigan." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 Stadt diente PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 dient der Stadt PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 dient PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | cityServed | Alpena,_Michigan" ], [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | cityServed | Alpena,_Michigan" ], [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | cityServed | Alpena,_Michigan" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | elevationM | 210" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 210" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Lpena County Regional Airport Höhenflug über dem Meeresspiegel in Meter ist 210.", "Der Regionalflughafen Alpena hat eine Höhe von 210 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel.", "Der Regionalflughafen Aplena liegt 210 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 über dem Meeresspiegel in Metern ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 hat einen Höhenflug von PATIENT-1 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.", "AGENT-1 ist erhöhte PATIENT-1 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 210" ], [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 210" ], [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel_(in_metres) | 210" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | location | Maple_Ridge_Township,_Alpena_County,_Michigan" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | location | Maple_Ridge_Township,_Alpena_County,_Michigan" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Alpena County Regional Airport befindet sich in Maple Ridge Township, Alpena County in Michigan.", "Der Standort von Alpena County Regional Airport ist Maple Ridge Township, Alpena County, Michigan.", "Alpena County Regional Airport befindet sich in Maple Ridge Township, Alpena County, Michigan." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 wird in PATIENT-1 gefunden.", "Der Standort von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | location | Maple_Ridge_Township,_Alpena_County,_Michigan" ], [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | location | Maple_Ridge_Township,_Alpena_County,_Michigan" ], [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | location | Maple_Ridge_Township,_Alpena_County,_Michigan" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | location | Wilson_Township,_Alpena_County,_Michigan" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | location | Wilson_Township,_Alpena_County,_Michigan" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Alpena County Regional Airport befindet sich in Wilson Township, Alpena County, Michigan.", "Alpena County Regional Airport is located in the Wilson Township, Alpena County, Michigan.", "Der Standort von Alpena County Regional Airport ist Wilson Township, Alpena County, Michigan." ], "template": [ "AGENT-1 wird in PATIENT-1 gefunden.", "AGENT-1 befindet sich in PATIENT-1.", "Der Standort von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | location | Wilson_Township,_Alpena_County,_Michigan" ], [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | location | Wilson_Township,_Alpena_County,_Michigan" ], [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | location | Wilson_Township,_Alpena_County,_Michigan" ] ] }
{ "otriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | faa | \"APN\"@en" ] ] }
{ "mtriple_set": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"APN\"" ] ] }
{ "comment": [ "good", "good", "good" ], "lid": [ "Id1", "Id2", "Id3" ], "text": [ "Die Standortbestimmung des Regionalflughafens Alpena County ist APN.", "The Alpena County Regional Airport 's location id is \"APN\".", "The loaction Identifier of Alpena County Regional Airport is APN." ], "template": [ "Die Standortbestimmung von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1.", "AGENT-1 Location ID ist \"PATIENT-1\".", "Der Loaction-Identifier von AGENT-1 ist PATIENT-1." ], "sorted_triple_sets": [ [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"APN\"" ], [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"APN\"" ], [ "Alpena_County_Regional_Airport | locationIdentifier | \"APN\"" ] ] }

Dataset Card for WebNLG

Dataset Summary

The WebNLG challenge consists in mapping data to text. The training data consists of Data/Text pairs where the data is a set of triples extracted from DBpedia and the text is a verbalisation of these triples. For instance, given the 3 DBpedia triples shown in (a), the aim is to generate a text such as (b). It is a valuable resource and benchmark for the Natural Language Generation (NLG) community. However, as other NLG benchmarks, it only consists of a collection of parallel raw representations and their corresponding textual realizations. This work aimed to provide intermediate representations of the data for the development and evaluation of popular tasks in the NLG pipeline architecture, such as Discourse Ordering, Lexicalization, Aggregation and Referring Expression Generation.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

The dataset supports a other-rdf-to-text task which requires a model takes a set of RDF (Resource Description Format) triples from a database (DBpedia) of the form (subject, property, object) as input and write out a natural language sentence expressing the information contained in the triples.


The dataset is presented in two versions: English (config en) and German (config de)

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

A typical example contains the original RDF triples in the set, a modified version which presented to crowd workers, and a set of possible verbalizations for this set of triples:

{ 'category': 'Politician',
 'eid': 'Id10',
 'lex': {'comment': ['good', 'good', 'good'],
         'lid': ['Id1', 'Id2', 'Id3'],
         'text': ['World War II had Chiang Kai-shek as a commander and United States Army soldier Abner W. Sibal.',
                  'Abner W. Sibal served in the United States Army during the Second World War and during that war Chiang Kai-shek was one of the commanders.',
                  'Abner W. Sibal, served in the United States Army and fought in World War II, one of the commanders of which, was Chiang Kai-shek.']},
 'modified_triple_sets': {'mtriple_set': [['Abner_W._Sibal | battle | World_War_II',
                                           'World_War_II | commander | Chiang_Kai-shek',
                                           'Abner_W._Sibal | militaryBranch | United_States_Army']]},
 'original_triple_sets': {'otriple_set': [['Abner_W._Sibal | battles | World_War_II', 'World_War_II | commander | Chiang_Kai-shek', 'Abner_W._Sibal | branch | United_States_Army'],
                                          ['Abner_W._Sibal | militaryBranch | United_States_Army',
                                           'Abner_W._Sibal | battles | World_War_II',
                                           'World_War_II | commander | Chiang_Kai-shek']]},
 'shape': '(X (X) (X (X)))',
 'shape_type': 'mixed',
 'size': 3}

Data Fields

The following fields can be found in the instances:

  • category: the category of the DBpedia entites present in the RDF triples.
  • eid: an example ID, only unique per split per category.
  • size: number of RDF triples in the set.
  • shape: (for v3 only) Each set of RDF-triples is a tree, which is characterised by its shape and shape type. shape is a string representation of the tree with nested parentheses where X is a node ( see Newick tree format)
  • shape_type: (for v3 only) is a type of the tree shape, which can be: chain (the object of one triple is the subject of the other); sibling (triples with a shared subject); mixed (both chain and sibling types present).
  • 2017_test_category: (for webnlg_challenge_2017) tells whether the set of RDF triples was present in the training set or not.
  • lex: the lexicalizations, with:
    • text: the text to be predicted.
    • lid: a lexicalizayion ID, unique per example.
    • comment: the lexicalizations were rated by crowd workers are either good or bad

Data Splits

The en version has train, test and dev splits; the de version, only train and dev.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

Natural Language Generation (NLG) is the process of automatically converting non-linguistic data into a linguistic output format (Reiter andDale, 2000; Gatt and Krahmer, 2018). Recently, the field has seen an increase in the number of available focused data resources as E2E (Novikova et al., 2017), ROTOWIRE(Wise-man et al., 2017) and WebNLG (Gardent et al.,2017a,b) corpora. Although theses recent releases are highly valuable resources for the NLG community in general,nall of them were designed to work with end-to-end NLG models. Hence, they consist of a collection of parallel raw representations and their corresponding textual realizations. No intermediate representations are available so researchersncan straight-forwardly use them to develop or evaluate popular tasks in NLG pipelines (Reiter and Dale, 2000), such as Discourse Ordering, Lexicalization, Aggregation, Referring Expression Generation, among others. Moreover, these new corpora, like many other resources in Computational Linguistics more in general, are only available in English, limiting the development of NLG-applications to other languages.

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

[More Information Needed]

Who are the source language producers?

[More Information Needed]


Annotation process

[More Information Needed]

Who are the annotators?

[More Information Needed]

Personal and Sensitive Information

[More Information Needed]

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

[More Information Needed]

Discussion of Biases

[More Information Needed]

Other Known Limitations

[More Information Needed]

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

[More Information Needed]

Licensing Information

The dataset uses the cc-by-nc-sa-4.0 license. The source DBpedia project uses the cc-by-sa-3.0 and gfdl-1.1 licenses.

Citation Information

  • If you use the Enriched WebNLG corpus, cite:
  author = 	"Castro Ferreira, Thiago
        and Moussallem, Diego
        and Wubben, Sander
        and Krahmer, Emiel",
  title = 	"Enriching the WebNLG corpus",
  booktitle = 	"Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Generation",
  year = 	"2018",
  series = {INLG'18},
  publisher = 	"Association for Computational Linguistics",
  address = 	"Tilburg, The Netherlands",

  author    = {Claire Gardent and
               Anastasia Shimorina and
               Shashi Narayan and
               Laura Perez{-}Beltrachini},
  editor    = {Regina Barzilay and
               Min{-}Yen Kan},
  title     = {Creating Training Corpora for {NLG} Micro-Planners},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
               Linguistics, {ACL} 2017, Vancouver, Canada, July 30 - August 4, Volume
               1: Long Papers},
  pages     = {179--188},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  year      = {2017},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.18653/v1/P17-1017}


Thanks to @TevenLeScao for adding this dataset.

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